For Program Reps


Membership dues are $450 per year. Please submit the annual dues for your program before July 1.  Please click below for a W-9 form and invoice for documentation purposes. If you have additional questions, please email

Click here to pay your dues electronically.

For Reviewers

We sometimes receive new applications from doctoral and internship programs that would like to be part of APCS. When we do, our membership chairperson asks representatives from three other programs to review these applications.  Here we provide instructions for those program reps who have agreed to help with the review of a new application.

Reviewer Instructions

Confidential Member Resources

Additional member resources may become available at our "members only" section. An update was added in 2014 and we will notify members if anything new is added.

PCSAS is an independent, non-profit body incorporated in December 2007 to provide rigorous, objective, and empirically based accreditation of Ph.D. programs in psychological clinical science (the terms psychological clinical science and scientific clinical psychology are used interchangeably).
There are a multitude of reasons why APS is vital to you and to the science of psychology. From our advocacy efforts to our acclaimed scientific journals to our promotion of the education of psychology, APS is working hard to ensure the vitality and the advancement of psychology as a science.
The Delaware Project aims to redefine psychological clinical science training in ways that emphasize continuity across a spectrum of research activities concerned with (a) basic mechanisms of psychopathology and behavior change, (b) intervention generation and refinement, (c) intervention efficacy and effectiveness...