This year's award winning graduate students are:
Cristina Roman (Penn State University) will be attending a workshop on diffusion imaging, tractography and connectional neuroanatomy at King's College London.
C.J. Seitz-Brown (University of Maryland) will be traveling to Kisaware, Tanzania to receive training in behavioral HIV counseling and testing with Dr. Michael Sweat.
Leigh Andrews (University of Delaware) will visit the University of Amsterdam to participate in a workshop on network analysis and modeling of dynamical systems.
Aliona Tsypes (Binghamton University) will spend a week visiting Professor Matthew Nock's lab at Harvard University, which allow her to develop her line of research on suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
Julie Cristello (Florida International University) will be visiting the labs of Dr. Megan Moreno and Dr. Patricia Cavazos-Rehg to learn skills necessary to study the links between substance use and social media among adolescents.
Tyler McFayden (Virginia Tech University) will receive training in Pivotal Response Treatment, an evidence-based treatment for toddlers with autism.
The next Flexibility Fund Award deadline is May 1 (for Fall 2018 and Winter 2019 activities). Interested students should review the original program announcement for instructions about how to apply.